The Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL) department promotes and maintains religious liberty, with particular emphasis upon liberty of conscience. Religious liberty includes the human right to have or adopt the religion of one’s choice, to change religious belief according to conscience, to manifest one’s religion individually or in a community with fellow believers, in worship, observance, practice, witness, and teaching, subject to respect for the equivalent rights of others. This department was established to educate members of their inalienable rights as citizens and to inform persons of the responsibilities and obligations in juxtaposition to those rights. Each church is considered an informal Religious Liberty Association. The religious liberty leader should be:
- Of positive spiritual influence.
- Able to relate to the general public
- Proficient as a correspondent.
- Concerned with the preservation of liberty for God’s people.

Charles T. Brevitt
Vice President - PARL & Church Governance1 876 656-7817